3 cans of coconut cream (I chose Ayam as it has very few nasties and makes nice thick yoghurt. Brands with thickeners and gum should be avoided).
1 tablespoon of raw sugar (this is for the bacteria to feed off. It should be noted that honey is not suitable for this recipe).
2 probiotic capsules – this is your starter culture. (I use Metagenics Ultra Flora Immune because it has the right strains of bacteria, but products such as Inner Health Plus work equally well for this).
Stir sugar into room temperature coconut cream until dissolved.
Remove a small amount of the cream and slowly mix in probiotic powder from the capsules. Ensure its well blended before adding back into the rest of the cream. Stir well.
Place in a yoghurt maker* and allow to ferment for 24 hours at 38°C.
It will still be runny at this stage, but don’t stress, it will thicken up – place in fridge to cool and set.
The bacteria eats the sugar, so your yoghurt should now be tangy like acidophilus yoghurt. Leave it as is for savoury cooking or sweeten with a small amount of maple syrup or honey and add your choice of fruit and nuts. My personal favourite is raspberries, toasted coconut and activated almonds.
*If you don’t have a yoghurt maker, thats ok, you can still make yoghurt! There are a few different options, such as using the oven at a very low temperature (or utilising the residual heat after you’ve been cooking), a dehydrator or even on your bench top in summer.
Peace, love and health,
Mandah xo